
Wholesale Earring Hubei discovered 85 kilograms of the large turquoise

Hubei discovered 85 kilograms of the Large Turquoise Hubei province Shiyan county recently discovered a large mining high quality natural turquoise gemstone.The turquoise 84 cm long, 70 cm wide, 14 cm thick, weighs 85 kg, blue and green, structural integrity, fine texture, high grade, is a rare catastrophic emerald.

According to introducing, county the turquoise, than the beginning of 80's in last century in Yunxian cloud cover Temple Turquoise Mine excavated by technology, master carved into a "Wudang Mountains" Li Shizhen old treasures process, on display in the hall of Beijing people congress hall of Hubei a turquoise Ishihara heavy piece of a times more than; in 1985 the Yunxian cloud cover Temple turquoise mine was unearthed, Hubei Institute of Arts and crafts carved into "national treasure" group immortal party, called the turquoise craft treasures weight exceeding 41 kg, therefore, extremely precious.

Turquoise, because of its color is similar to the green pine.Shiyan city is the world famous Turquoise main origin, mainly concentrated in the city under the jurisdiction of the county Wholesale Earring, Yunxian county and Yunxi County, known as the eastern township of turquoise.

Teem with Turquoise fabric of pure, delicate texture, bright color, color is blue, green or blue, green, sky blue, green for the quality, extremely rare.County Ma home town of turquoise Zhang Shigen of limited company president introduces, in recent ten years, once found in Large Turquoise: 1994, had found that a 50 cm long, 38 cm high, weighs 45 kg, turquoise, fabrics of pure, delicate texture, blue green, is carving crafts superior raw materials.

On 1997, found that a 60 cm long, 26 cm high, weighs 59 kg and catastrophic natural grape like turquoise, a natural green, resembling a cute little lion, the gem by thousands of different sizes of grape-like Turquoise natural tuberculosis together, geologically called nodules, verrucose turquoise, rich ornamental value, favored turquoise.

On 2000, found two large turquoise, a 90 cm high, 23 cm wide, on the next 43 centimeters wide, weighs 45 kg; a 1 meters high, 24 cm wide, weigh 55 kilograms.The two pieces of large turquoise blue, a green, highly ornamental value, known as "sister turquoise".

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